Proposal that would allow boys to play on more girls high school teams tabled

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — After many school districts and parents expressed concerns over a proposal coming out of Albany that would dramatically change who can play what sport in high school, News 8 has learned the New York State Department of Education, or NYSED, tabled the measure.

NYSED said it removed the regulation from this month’s Board of Regents meeting agenda adding in statement emailed to News 8, “The Department is reviewing and responding to the hundreds of comments it received and expects additional stakeholder engagement. The Department anticipates bringing the regulation back to the Board in the coming months.”

The proposal from NYSED would allow any student male or female to try out for any sports team male or female if the district doesn’t have separate teams in that sport.

For example, right now flag football is a growing sport for girls with many high schools in our area creating teams.

Under this proposed change, boys could try out for the team if their high school doesn’t offer a boys flag football team.

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