Democratic group urges voters with multiple homes to re-register in swing districts ahead of 2024 election

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Ahead of the 2024 general elections, a New York-based Democratic education and activist organization has launched a campaign focusing on dual residents to influence the outcome in critical swing districts—such as in Queens, Long Island and upstate.

The group MoveIndigo is calling on residents to re-register their voting addresses to districts where elections are expected to be highly competitive, in order to tip the results in favor of Democratic candidates.

The organization is calling on New Yorkers with dual residences to consider re-registering to vote in districts where their ballots could sway the outcome of highly competitive races. This strategy is particularly relevant given New York’s unique position as a state with many toss-up Congressional districts in Queens, Long Island (NY-03 and NY-04) and southern New York (NY-17, NY-18, NY-19 and NY-22).

In these areas, the organization argues, even small shifts in voter registration and turnout could have a profound impact.

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