Orthodox Jews trash NYC Sanitation Department over garbage drop-off rules they say conflict with sabbath

Is nothing sacred?

Orthodox Jews who observe the sabbath are trashing the city Sanitation Department over its stricter evening curbside garbage drop-offs , saying they are getting slapped with fines for adhering to their religion.

In some heavily orthodox neighborhoods like Crown Heights, trash has to be brought to the curb on Friday for Saturday pickup — when residents are preparing to to observe sabbath.

“The city’s new regulations regarding garbage collection now directly infringe on our religious liberties and seem to overturn nearly 100 years of precedent,” fumed Crown Heights resident Kan Tzivah.

The city now requires property owners to put out bins the evening before pickup — after 6 p.m. if the receptacle has a secured lid, or between 8 p.m. and midnight for trash bags. Christopher Sadowski
In neighborhoods like Crown Heights, trash has to be brought to the curb on Friday for Saturday pickup — when residents are preparing to to observe sabbath. Christopher Sadowski

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