Correction officers resign as frustration with NYSCOPBA boils over amid independent deal talk

Editor’s Note: This story was reported and published before DOCCS announced Thursday evening they had put forward a new offer to striking correcion officers that would go into effect if they returned to work on Friday. That deal, DOCCS said, was negotiated directly with striking correction officers and was not done with union support.

It’s been 18 days since New York correction officers walked off the job at prisons across the state, demanding better work conditions and a repeal of the state’s HALT Act. There was some confusion on some picket lines Thursday about negotiations for a deal, and some protesters decided to quit their jobs altogether.

Spectrum News 1 spoke to people outside Auburn Correctional Facility, where some COs still holding the line said they had planned to vote “yes” on a proposal that was floated Thursday and return to work at 7 a.m. Friday…

Story continues