A billionaire is paying my NYC rent for 3 months after the strangest encounter ever

Money talks — let’s just hope for this guy’s sake it’s not saying too much.

As the cost of living in New York City has increased to nauseating amounts , forcing Gothamites to get creative when it comes to paying sky-high rent prices, one fortunate city dweller has allegedly found himself a billionaire benefactor who’s offered to foot his housing bill.

But social media worrywarts fear the ultra-lucky Manhattaner is already on the brink of losing out on the massive mogul’s moolah.

“[This is] How I’m not paying rent for 3 months in [NYC],” wrote a West Villager named Flavio in the closed caption of his viral TikTok tell-all.

“There’s this mega-mansion they’re building in front of my street. And it’s, like, worth, like, $50 million,” the mustachioed Gen Zer explained to an audience of more than 111,000 viewers. “And then, [a few months ago], I saw this billionaire that is very famous. And he was walking around the block.”

We lived in a storage unit — until we got kicked out after going viral

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