Newark holds first lottery to pick residents who can buy houses for $1

A program in Newark looking to add more local homeowners by

selling houses for just one dollar kicked off with seven winners on Monday


City officials held the first lottery for the sale of the city-owned properties in City Hall, where seven winners were picked out and joined by Mayor Ras Baraka and council members for a snapshot.

The winners were among dozens of people who pre-qualified last year for the program that sells dilapidated city owned properties for one dollar.

Qualifiers had keys with names on them, stuffed into the spinning basket and winners were drawn from there.

The houses are far from move-in ready.

The properties have all been seized by the city for non-payment of taxes, bills, or other public debts and are deteriorated and in need of work.

They need hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of work or have to be torn down for new construction.

The hope is the one, two, three and four-family homes will be rehabilitated into beautiful multi-family homes.

Hundreds of people attended workshops on homeownership and finances last year with the mortgage company

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