Here is how New York-based Black Seed Brothers is solving the health food needs of several communities

Black Seed Brothers, a fruit company based in New York City, was founded in response to the scarcity of a particular watermelon variety that is predominantly unavailable in the market. But these days, in addition to watermelons, the company has integrated a range of other food products made from natural ingredients to cater to the health requirements of the Harlem community in New York and its neighboring areas.

In 2018, Tyrell Dixon and Kiana Miles established Health Station, which has expanded to include other Black brothers, forming a cohesive team known as Black Seed Brothers . The idea began when they observed the limited availability of healthier options within the urban community.

“The idea came about when we noticed the lack of healthier options within the urban community. We started off selling fresh black-seeded organic watermelon (which we still currently sell) during the summer.”

They started by selling farm-fresh watermelons with black seeds, making daily journeys of up to 16 hours to procure freshly harvested watermelons directly from farms in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.

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