FDNY runners proud to represent department for 5th Avenue Mile

It’s one of the most iconic streets in one of the most famous cities in the world: Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

While it is normally packed with cars, cabs, tourists and traffic, on Sunday, the famous stretch will see crowds of a different kind for the New Balance 5th Avenue Mile.

Thousands of runners will race 20 blocks from the Metropolitan Museum of Art down to Grand Army Plaza. That includes Daniel Rosenbloom and Christian Vargas who are both dispatchers for the FDNY and members of the fire department’s running team.

You could call it a brotherhood within the brotherhood.

“It’s great, it brings you back, you’re dealing with guys in the field and it’s like a family,” Rosenbloom said.

“I knew that I had to be a part of it. Just running with a bunch of guys and you get together – it’s just the camaraderie,” Vargas said.

Both have tackled multiple 5th Avenue Mile races and even New York City Marathons – but they view running a little differently.

Vargas is shooting for a sub-five-minute mile and Rosenbloom is just hoping to finish.

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