This Park Slope brownstone was fought over for years. Then gunshots rang out.

For years, Park Slope residents Lauri and John McBride have wondered about the rotating cast of characters living in the brownstone next door.

After the building’s longtime owner died in 2014, the property, valued at $3.5 million on the listings site Zillow , fell into disrepair. In the past six years, the McBrides met various people who lived there. Some claimed to own the house. One group of residents even put up a sign that advertised a church at the building.

Police said 911 dispatchers have received 10 calls about 164 St. John’s Place over the last six months. Then on Saturday, police said someone fired shots in front of the brownstone . No one was injured, but police blocked traffic and trained rifles on the house for several hours, said Lauri McBride, 72. Three people who live in the house were arrested. David Rodriguez, Mamadou Bah and Kenton Degale were each charged with possessing one round of ammunition and altered paper money – all misdemeanors. Attorneys for Degale and Rodriguez did not return requests for comment. Bah’s attorney declined to comment.

It’s not clear how long Rodriguez, Bah and Degale have lived in the three-story home – a brownstone on a leafy street in one of the city’s most expensive ZIP codes. Nor is it clear whether they pay rent and to whom…

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