Probation Commissioner Juanita Holmes under fire for personnel moves, attrition

An inquiry is underway into the circumstances surrounding the hiring on Probation Commissioner Juanita Holmes’ watch of a doctor for a $19,500 contract to perform physicals on people on probation – one of a series of personnel moves attracting scrutiny inside and outside the agency, the Daily News has learned.

Most recently, the hiring of Dr. Nabil Salib in 2023 has attracted the attention of the city Department of Investigation which has been interviewing staffers as part of an inquiry, probation sources told The News. DOI declined to comment Thursday.

Other hires identified by The News though unrelated to the DOI probe include a gynecologist as an assistant director, a college graduate hired as a cybersecurity expert along with two of her relatives, and at least a dozen “community coordinators” allegedly hired outside civil service rules at higher salaries than is customary, according to records and sources…

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