Post Offices About To Get Massive Changes In New York

For years, people have called mail delivered through the postal service “snail mail.” Now, they’re making changes to address that.

When you send something through the mail, most people expect it to take up to a week to arrive. In 2021 the USPS implemented a 10-year plan to not only make things more efficient at the post office but also save them a lot of money.

Delivering For America

They call it Delivering For America. They have multiple goals that they’re hoping to reach within 10 years. They’re hoping to make their post office more modern, to provide world-class service, but still be affordable to use. They still want to maintain a six-day delivery service with an additional seventh day for packages. They’re going to provide stability in the workplace and support to help each employee succeed. They also want to encourage innovation that grows revenue and financial stability.

Refined Service Standards

To provide all of these things, the United States Postal Service has committed to some refined service standards. They believe these refined standards will shorten the amount of time it will take to deliver things like end-to-end Marketing Mail, Periodicals, and Package Services. They will also help to maintain the existing one to five-day service standard day range for First-Class Mail.

They’re already making strides

The Postal Service sent out a press release claiming that the changes that began in 2021 have already lowered $1.8 billion in annual transportation costs, reduced 45 million work hours, or $2.3 billion annually, and increased revenue by $3.5 billion annually. Right now, they’re predicting at least “$36 billion in savings over 10 years.”

They will implement more service changes soon. Although they say 80 percent of market-dominant volume will be unchanged, there will still be some operational changes necessary to improve postal operations The first phase will take place on April 1st and the next on July 1st…

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