Life After Strike: Terminated correction officer believes the fight isn’t over

COXSACKIE, N.Y. ( NEWS10 ) — Some correction officers like Derrick Petrone, who were terminated following the prison strikes, are now hoping for new jobs. Petrone said he was one of the last five people holding the line in Coxsackie.

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“I told the men and women on the picket line that were there, that I will be here on the first day and I will be here on the last day. I will be one of the last ones to leave. As long as we have a single person on the picket line, I will be there.” said Petrone.

Derrick Petrone was a correction officer sergeant at Coxsackie Correctional Facility. He spent 18 years in the line of correction officer work. On the last day of the prison strikes, Petrone burned his uniform in the fire.

“It was a sad day, we were defeated but you know, we all made a decision not to go back in because we’re still fighting for the men and women that are inside, because we still care deeply about them,” said Petrone…

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