Sen. Ryan introduces plan to reduce homelessness in Buffalo

On Thursday New York State Senator Sean Ryan (D-61) introduced a housing plan that aims to have residents in Buffalo and Upstate access safe and affordable housing during a housing shortage.

According to the most recent America’s Rental Housing report, more rental households are cost-burdened than ever before.

“A tight market forces families to choose unlivable conditions and homelessness,” explained Ryan.

After pandemic assistance expired and inflation occurred, 2023 saw an uptick in Americans experiencing homelessness, according to the America’s Rental Housing report. Ryan said it has left fewer options for affordable housing in cities like Buffalo, which Ryan noted has a growing population for the first time in 70 years.

Senator Ryan’s plan focuses on four components:

  1. Incentivize Construction of Affordable Homes in Buffalo
    1. Senator Ryan is proposing a program to include in this yea’rs budget that would create 2,000 new started homes in Buffalo over a five-year period. It would be funded by New York State Office of Homes and Community Renewal.
    2. It would also provide subsidies to incentivize the construction of one, and two-family houses that be be sold to prospective homebuyers with low-to-moderate incomes. Ryan’s office notes, “It would focus on local residents who could afford monthly mortgage payment, but have pushed out of the market by skyrocketing interest rates, and inflated home prices.” This would be pilot program to potentially be used in other cities.
  2. Improve Rental Conditions
    1. Senator Ryan is proposing a grant program in this year’s budget that would upgrade 1,500 units, up to $75,000 costs in each unit, over a five-year perios. Small landlords can apply, but would have to rent for an affordable price over an extended period of time.
  3. Creating a Home Insulation Program
    1. Properly insulating homes in Buffalo, which has one of the oldest housing stocks in the country, would be more cost efficient for taxpayers, residents and landlords.
  4. Prevent Evictions
    1. Senator Ryan is introducing legislation that would help more facing eviction access state and federal funds.

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