10 Cities Where You Can Still Afford a REALLY Big House

All the news about housing shortages and sky-high real estate prices may have convinced you that a large house is out of reach, but in several cities across the US, four- and five-bedroom houses are cheaper than the national average. (A four-bedroom house is typically $496,936, while the average home with five or more bedrooms is $704,098.) The places in question range from large cosmopolitan cities to smaller metro areas, but what they all have in common is a lot of inventory. “More affordable markets have a better supply-demand balance,” says Amanda Pendleton, Zillow’s home trends expert. “Balanced markets are where there are enough homes for those who want to live there and can afford them. That’s what keeps prices in check.” Here, 10 cities where you can pick up a big house for less, according to data from Zillow.

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