An employee calls out MACY’s at the Edison Mall for broken A/C and bad smells

People who work and shop at the Macy’s at Edison Mall say the smell inside is awful.

As your Fort Myers community correspondent, I started asking questions about the smell, and the city of Fort Myers started investigating.

See Miyoshi’s Full Report Below:

An employee calls out MACY’s at the Edison Mall for broken A/C and smells

“It’s just getting worse and worse, and you can smell it all the more,” says the frustrated Macy’s employee.

This Macy’s employee asked me not to show her face because she needs to keep her job. So, she did a phone interview with me, sharing her concerns.

I verified that she works here.

She says she’s had the job for years and wants to keep it with better conditions.

“It’s at a point where you know people are complaining,” says the frustrated Macy’s employee.

I met a customer Friday after she went shopping at Macy’s.

Kimberly Ethier says the smell inside was awful, and the heat was overwhelming.

“Right away, I felt the heat and the different odors, like the perfumes and the people’s odors, all mixed together, and it was bad,” says Ethier. “The only safe place was the bathroom.”

Story continues