Florida Golfer Runs Into Giant Alligator And Bobcat Out On The Course

The cool part about golfing is getting to be outside, breathing the fresh air and enjoying some wildlife while chasing that little white ball around the course. The bad part of golfing when you’re in Florida is that wildlife often times can be quite dangerous. Alligators and bobcats on golf courses are nothing new. We’ve seen a giant gator

chomp down a carp

and a bobcat go

full predator mode on a rabbit

, but to my knowledge this is the first video I’ve seen where both creatures are within a few yards of each other. Though it’s a short clip, it’s worth the watch. Taken in Port Charlotte, a guy in a golf cart grabbed a video of an enormous alligator walking towards him near a thick patch of vegetation. As he’s zooming in, something flashes across the screen in the background. Turns out it’s a bobcat, one of those incredible 20-something pound cats that, pound for pound, can really hold their own. Check it out: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAolxAvv4DR/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link I love a day on the links as much as anyone but if I was still down in Florida I’d sure lose a couple more balls cause there’s no way I’d be hacking at weeds to try and find one.

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