Attention Kings and Queens of the Grill: One of Amarillo’s Best BBQ Stores is...
If you are an average, avid or expert griller in Amarillo, Texas, one of your favorite stores is expanding. Boyd's Equipment has been serving...
The Amarillo Zoo slithers onto Today in Amarillo with Sir Alfred Von Wigglebottom
AMARILLO, Texas (KAMR/KCIT) — Sydnee Pratt, education coordinator for the Amarillo Zoo, joined Today in Amarillo on Friday morning and brought Sir Alfred...
‘HeArt of CASA Art Gallery’ to benefit Amarillo Area CASA in Friday event
AMARILLO, Texas (KAMR/KCIT) – The “HeArt of CASA Art Gallery” will be open for visitors at Sharpened Iron Studios on Friday, with the...
Need a Romantic Night Out in Amarillo? Here’s Your Chance Parents
Now that the long drawn-out month of January is over we can concentrate on February. You know that month of romance? Yes, a date...
Tami L. Jones’ Psychic Amarillo Guides Seekers to Inner Peace
Throughout history, people from all walks of life have delved into psychic reading, the practice of discerning information about an individual through extrasensory perception...
VIDEO: GOOD NEWS: Doppler Dave receives some good news of his own
You might have seen the story I did a couple of weeks ago about the valiant efforts of folks in our area as they...
Texas A&M AgriLife hoping to change bad food habits
AMARILLO, Texas (KVII) - In honor of Black History Month, Texas A&M AgriLife and community agencies have partnered to host a series of seminars...
Panhandle Community Services sees increase in applicants for open enrollment
AMARILLO, Texas (KFDA) - Affordable Care Act open enrollment has ended, yet many in the Panhandle are left uninsured. Texas saw a 45% increase...
Gracie’s Project offering Valentine’s photos during Saturday fundraiser
Roses are red and Valentines are sweet. Why not give your dog a treat?If you're thinking of something different to do for Valentine's Day,...
Buc-ee’s location in Amarillo now hiring
AMARILLO, Texas (KAMR/KCIT) — Officials with Workforce Solutions Panhandle announced that Buc-ee’s is now hiring for the Amarillo location. Buc-ee’s location in...