Chef Roy Yamaguchi flipping Pōʻalua Pancakes at Kapiʻolani CC
Kapiʻolani Community College students got a sizzling surprise when Pōʻalua (Tuesday) Pancakes, a weekly free pancake breakfast on campus, kicked off again in January....
Dog trapped in Waianae storm drain for hours rescued thanks to diligence of firefighters
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - A young pit bull terrier that got trapped in a storm drain in Waianae last week is safe and reunited with...
Lee Cataluna’s Kimo the Waiter to premiere at Windward CC
Windward Community College and Hawaiʻi Conservatory of Performing Arts (HCPA) present the premiere of Kimo the Waiter directed by Taurie Kinoshita, at Palikū Theatre...
Domestic abuse case against ex-city Councilmember Ikaika Anderson dismissed
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The domestic abuse case against former City Councilmember Ikaika Anderson has been dismissed with prejudice, which means it cannot be refiled....
3 Incredible Properties Sold This Week Around Honolulu
Honolulu, Hawaii is known for its stunning real estate properties, and recently, three of the most expensive properties in the area were sold. Let's...
Duct tape, robbery and kidnapping in 1st day of trial of Hawaii crime boss...
HONOLULU (KHON2) — Itʻs day two in the trial of the Miske case and after opening statements on Monday, things got off to...
Meet the 10 Biggest Movie Stars From Hawaii
Hawaii is a stunning state with a rich culture. It’s home to about 1.45 million people. Some of theme are incredible actors! ...
HPD investigating after man shot in pelvis near Pearl Harbor
AIEA, Hawaii (Island News) - Honolulu Police (HPD) have opened an attempted murder case following an early-morning shooting near Pearl Harbor. HPD says a...
Four Hawaiʻi restaurants make Yelp’s top 100 Places to Eat list
HONOLULU (KHON2) — One thing that we love here in Hawaiʻi is food. We have food from all over the world, and it...
Early morning shooting in Halawa hospitalizes victim
HONOLULU (KHON2) — Police have opened an attempted murder investigation in Halawa after a man was shot in his pelvis area early Tuesday...