Roanoke VA

No near-record highs Tuesday; isolated storms develop late in the day

ROANOKE, Va. - We came really close to record high temperatures Monday afternoon. We're talking within one degree in Roanoke and Lynchburg! In fact,...

Changes in skill games bill draw business owners’ ire

A Virginia senator and local business owners are speaking out against amendments to a skill games bill which would affect businesses in Virginia Beach,...

Angels of Assisi talks “Paws and Stripes” program

ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ) - The "Paws and Stripes" program allows Roanoke jail inmates to train dogs as a form of rehabilitation. Carol Jessee, Director...

Roanoke taking steps to battle extreme heat in Northwest neighborhoods

ROANOKE, Va. - As temperatures soar and climate change concerns escalate, the city of Roanoke announced a new program to help Northwest Roanoke with...

Wind played pivotal role in Sugar Grove wildfire, officials say

SHAWSVILLE, Va. - We are still under a burn ban through the rest of April and this weekend, we got another example of why....

WATCH: Police warning about high school water gun game after a fake gun was...

ROANOKE, Va. - Happy Monday! Join us for the Sprint for stories that'll turn that frown upside down!. You know it's always a good...

Over 500 convenience stores stop lottery ticket sales to protest skill games legislation amendments

ROANOKE COUNTY, Va. (WDBJ) - Hundreds of convenience store and gas station owners in Virginia are protesting the proposed skill games amendments. Many say...

Over 500 convenience stores stop lottery ticket sales to protest skill games legislation amendments

ROANOKE COUNTY, Va. (WDBJ) - Hundreds of convenience store and gas station owners in Virginia are protesting proposed skill games amendments. Many say it...

Freedom First “Down by Downtown Festival”coming to Roanoke

ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ) - "Down by Downtown Festival", presented by Freedom First, is coming to Downtown Roanoke on April 18 through April 21. Pete...

Roanoke FireEMS Department congratulates firefighter on his retirement

ROANOKE, Va. (WSET) - The Roanoke FireEMS Department is congratulating a firefighter on his retirement in a Facebook post made Monday. According to the...

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