
Featured picture for "Alaska Rule 2025 Update: Understanding the Right Turn on Red Rule"

Alaska Rule 2025 Update: Understanding the Right Turn on Red Rule

Recent discussions surrounding the Right Turn on Red (RTOR) rule in Alaska, particularly in Anchorage, have sparked significant debate. As of January 30, 2025, the Anchorage Assembly has been considering an ordinance that would prohibit right turns on red lights in a designated...
Featured picture for "7 Massive Thrift Stores In Alaska With Countless Treasures You Can Browse For Hours"

7 Massive Thrift Stores In Alaska With Countless Treasures You Can Browse For Hours

Ever wondered where to find the best secondhand treasures in Alaska?. These seven massive thrift stores are packed with unique items that will keep you browsing for hours!. 1. Value Village (Anchorage) Ah, Value Village – the Costco of secondhand shopping, minus the free...
Featured picture for "Distress calls near Kodiak go unheard by the USCG, that's where Marine Exchange comes in"

Distress calls near Kodiak go unheard by the USCG, that’s where Marine Exchange comes...

For several years the U.S. Coast Guard’s emergency VHF radio system has experienced outages across Southeast and the Gulf of Alaska. There’s been progress fixing the problem, but some mariners’ distress calls are still falling through the cracks. So another entity has stepped...
Featured picture for "5.2 Magnitude Earthquake Reported In US"

5.2 Magnitude Earthquake Reported In US

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake was reported in the US.
Featured picture for "Rep. Andrew Gray may have won $40,383 in PFD Education Raffle"

Rep. Andrew Gray may have won $40,383 in PFD Education Raffle

Representative Andrew Gray (D – Anchorage) may have won $40,383 in the annual PFD education raffle. But because of government bureaucracy, officials from the Department of Revenue told the Landmine it could be a week before Gray knows if he won. Gray confirmed he bought one...
Featured picture for "How a warming climate is part of a shift in sled dog genetics"

How a warming climate is part of a shift in sled dog genetics

In an archival video of the 1988 Kuskokwim 300 Sled Dog Race (K300), the start line of the race looks distinctly of its time: spectators wear aviator glasses, turtlenecks, and a lot of teal. But it’s not just the people that look different from today, it’s also the dogs.
Featured picture for "CampgroundViews Has Over 3,350 Tours, Trip Planning Tools"

CampgroundViews Has Over 3,350 Tours, Trip Planning Tools

Campground Views, an online platform fthat helps campers discover and explore campgrounds, is excited to announce the launch of over 3,350 new virtual tours across North America and Alaska. This significant expansion allows outdoor enthusiasts to virtually explore campgrounds...
Featured picture for "Air Force jet falls from sky, crashes in Alaska"

Air Force jet falls from sky, crashes in Alaska

An Air Force F-35 fighter jet crashed during a training mission in central Alaska. The pilot was able to eject safely and is in stable condition. Charlie D'Agata has the story.
Featured picture for "Only 2% of Alaskans donate blood each year, Blood Bank of Alaska says"

Only 2% of Alaskans donate blood each year, Blood Bank of Alaska says

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - January is National Blood Donor Month and according to the Blood Bank of Alaska’s website, one in seven people who go to the hospital will need blood. Only about 2% of the state’s population donates blood — which is fewer than 15,000 people according...
Featured picture for "Brrrr is the word!"

Brrrr is the word!

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - Clear and cold weather will be the case over much of mainland Alaska the rest of the week. The stormy parts of the state will be the Aleutian chain to western Alaska, and again through southeast Alaska. Snow will hit the southeastern portion of the...

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