
Featured picture for "Living the DINK dream: ND ranked third best state"

Living the DINK dream: ND ranked third best state

NORTH DAKOTA (KXNET) — Choosing the right place to live can make all the difference, especially for couples who enjoy the DINK lifestyle — dual income, no kids. Affordability, access to nightlife, outdoor adventures, and convenience are all contributing factors to how...
Featured picture for "4.1 Magnitude Earthquake Reported In US"

4.1 Magnitude Earthquake Reported In US

A 4.1-magnitude earthquake was reported in the US.
Featured picture for "Letter: Why automatic pay raises for elected state officials?"

Letter: Why automatic pay raises for elected state officials?

I’m sure that there are various opinions out there about the issue of pay raises for state employees. I am just curious as to the logic that thinks that elected personnel should get automatic pay increases every two years, when the “regular” employees do not. We already treat...
Featured picture for "Letter: Cutting school funding isn’t the answer"

Letter: Cutting school funding isn’t the answer

Dismantling, reducing staffing, and cutting funding for public education typically harms the system rather than helps it. Here’s why:. 1. Reduced resources: Cutting funding leads to fewer educational materials, outdated technology and less support for students, making it harder...
Featured picture for "Letter: Why do we think our way is the only way?"

Letter: Why do we think our way is the only way?

Is there something in the human psyche that makes us want to fight each other all the time? Is it in our DNA? We humans have fought and killed each other for hundreds if not thousands of years. Who knows where our civilization would be if all that time, effort and money wasted...
Featured picture for "Anne Raup, a key member of the ADN team for decades, is retiring"

Anne Raup, a key member of the ADN team for decades, is retiring

Here’s some news about the Anchorage Daily News: A key person in our newsroom for decades, Anne Raup, is retiring as photo/visuals editor. It’s hard to overstate Anne’s role in what we’ve done and continue to do — in the day-to-day work, both obvious and behind-the-scenes, but...
Featured picture for "Brick-by-Brick Lego League State Championship event kicks off"

Brick-by-Brick Lego League State Championship event kicks off

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - On Saturday, the FIRST Lego League State Championship program kicked off in Anchorage. The state program has around 135 teams that are made up of ages from fourth to eighth grade. Each piece faces a series of challenges that contestants have to code...
Featured picture for "Letter: It’s time for Anchorage to vote on a sales tax"

Letter: It’s time for Anchorage to vote on a sales tax

In these United States, there are two different approaches to taxes. The first is the business, individual or partnership that dutifully pays taxes as the law allows. The second approach is a much larger group who spends millions on accountants and lobbyists to avoid their fair...
Featured picture for "Four passengers found alive after plane crash at Lake George"

Four passengers found alive after plane crash at Lake George

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) -Four passengers are lucky to be alive after their plane went down at Lake George on Friday. According to a press release, the Alaska Rescue Coordination Center noticed a plane downed on the lake and immediately reported it to Alaska State Troopers....
Featured picture for "Alaska Education Reform Debate Intensifies Over Funding and Policy Change"

Alaska Education Reform Debate Intensifies Over Funding and Policy Change

The Alaska education system faces a significant policy showdown as Governor Mike Dunleavy introduces a reform package tied to specific funding proposals. Lawmakers in the House and Senate pledged to boost school funding without attacking policy changes, but Dunleavy´s plan took...

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