Johnson County attorney faces censure for charging trans protesters at Chloe Cole event

Several arrests stemming from a fall protest have caused a stir in the Iowa City community.

Johnson County Supervisor Jon Green and the Iowa City Human Rights Commission have condemned charges against seven transgender and non-binary persons who participated in a protest on the University of Iowa campus against controversial activist Chloe Cole.

Green has drafted a resolution voicing his disapproval of the arrests and the Johnson County Democratic Party will consider it at a central committee meeting on Thursday. Green’s proposed censure is aimed at Johnson County attorney Rachel Zimmermann Smith, who filed the charges against the protestors.

The Human Rights Commission has also asked the county attorney’s office to dismiss the charges, saying in a statement on Jan. 24 that the arrests “raise important questions about the actions of law enforcement and the broader functioning of the justice system.”

Most protesters arrested nearly a month after an October rally outside of Cole’s speech have pleaded guilty after being charged with disorderly conduct and interference with official acts. More than 100 demonstrators circled the intersection of Madison Street and Jefferson Street on Oct. 16 during Cole’s appearance at the University of Iowa Memorial Union.

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