Live updates, results: Iowa high school girls state wrestling tournament Day 1

CORALVILLE- Xtream Arena will play host to the second-annual IGHSAU girls state wrestling championships — a two-day event where hundreds of wrestlers across the state of Iowa will chase their dream of becoming a state champion.

The loud thud of bodies hitting the mat, referee’s whistles and cheers from the crowd are expected to resonate throughout Xtream Arena on Thursday. A pool of state contenders will look to add more gold to their trophy case, while others are pursuing state title glory for the first time.

The state tournament will take place on Thursday, Feb.1 and Friday, Feb. 2.

Follow along here for live updates during the first day of action:

Results from the first round of the 135-pound bracket:

(1) Maeley Elsbury, STC defeats (32) Halle Bormann, CCA (Fall 3:31)

(16) Cieanna Ficken, WEMA defeats (17) Addision Hochstetler, NTAM (Fall 3:02)

(24) Brooklyn Lange, MIVA defeats (9) Annaliese Arciniega, OSAG (Fall 3:59)

(8) Kaydence Boorn, WILT defeats (25) Hailey Pedrick, PEKI (Dec 9-3)

Story continues