State Rep. Zabner introduces bill to freeze tuition costs for students at state universities

As students continue to pay more for everything, one state representative wants to clamp down on the costliest part of secondary education.

State Rep. Adam Zabner, D-Iowa City, has proposed a bill that would stabilize tuition costs for students at the Regent universities — the University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa and Iowa State University — during all four years they attend.

House File 2352 would provide affordable and accessible access to a college education and create stability and certainty for students, Zabner said.

“The truth is that when we deprive Iowa families and Iowa students of an education, we’re depriving older folks of access to a nurse, to a doctor,” Zabner said. “We’re depriving small businesses across the state from having access to engineers and computer scientists, and it really creates challenges for us.”

How does Zabner’s bill help?

If passed, beginning with the 2024-25 school year, students attending Iowa’s Regent universities would have their tuition costs frozen for the four years they attend college.

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