Linn County Feb 13 Weekly Crime Report: 431 Incidents and 15 Crime Stories

Linn County Feb 13 Weekly Crime Report: 431 Incidents and 15 Crime Stories

During the last week, Linn County reported a total of 431 crime cases. The most prevalent type of crime was disturbances, with 93 instances, followed by arrests at 68, and other unspecified crimes at 60. Theft and domestic-related incidents were also significant, with 51 and 49 cases respectively. Trespassing and assault were slightly less common, with 47 and 42 cases respectively. The least common crime was burglary, with only 21 cases reported. These figures highlight the need for residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. The high number of disturbances and arrests suggest a need for increased policing and community outreach to prevent such incidents. The prevalence of theft and domestic-related incidents also indicate areas where social services and community support could be beneficial.

Incidents Last Week
Disturbance 93
Arrest 68
Other 60
Theft 51
Domestic Related 49
Trespass 47
Assault 42
Burglary 21

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