News : Stacy Diveley found guilty on Six Charges

In September of 2022 a Shellsburg couple, Jeffrey and Stacy Dively, were arrested on several crimes involving children.The first of these charges were brought to trial this week in the case of Stacy Diveley, 47. She faced four misdemeanor counts of Child Endangerment, and two Class D Felony charges of Child Endangerment with Bodily Injury as well as a charge of Witness Tampering, Diveley was found guilty in six of these charges. In closing arguments, the prosecutor made it clear that there was evidence that Diveley was guilty of the same crimes, multiple times more than what she was charged. In counts 1,3,5 and 6 Diveley was found guilty of Child Endangerment, an aggravated misdemeanor.In count 2, the charge of Child Endangerment with Bodily Injury, a Class D Felony,the charge was reduced to Child Endangerment dropping it to an aggravated misdemeanor charge. On the fourth charge of Child Endangerment with Bodily Injury the jury found Diveley guilty, which is a Class D Felony. The jury did not find sufficient evidence to convict Diveley on the seventh charge of tampering with a witness and ruled her innocent. Sentencing will be scheduled at a later time.In Iowa law, charges are separated between misdemeanors and felonies.-Misdemeanors can be punishable up to two years in jail. -Felonies are put into one of four classes with Class A Felonies as the most serious and Class D as the least serious. Sentencing for Class D felonies can bring up to five years in prison and a fine between $750 and $7,500. There is no mandatory prison term.

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