Thanks to You Veterans Will Visit The Nation’s Capital with Eastern Iowa Honor Flight

I grew up right outside Washington DC, the Capital of the country, and it’s also chock full of monuments to many things. Monuments for the amazing people who have come before us and made this country great. If there’s one thing that DC does well it’s making picturesque monuments and if you ever get a chance to check them out, go. You can see some sights and walk on the same ground as our forefathers. I’ve seen the monuments hundreds of times in the years I drove around the DC area and it never got old. Before 9-11, the monuments, for the most part, didn’t close. If you wanted to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, or old Abe at the Lincoln Memorial at 2 am, you could and we did many times. He’s not a very talkative fellow. If you’re looking for a blabber mouth, head over to the Jefferson Memorial. The guy won’t be quiet about his dry cleaning business and how he’s moving on up to the east side. Wait, I might be mixing up Thomas Jefferson & George Jefferson. Did Thomas Jefferson have a housekeeper named Florence and a neighbor named Bentley?

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