Teen pushing for brass knuckle legislation after violent attacks in East Valley

As parents and East Valley community members call for action and change from city leadership, one teen has taken his concerns straight to the Capitol.

Connor Jarnagan says he was a victim of a brutal attack at the Gilbert In-N-Out restaurant in December 2022. At the time, he was 16 years old and was at the fast-food restaurant to eat with some friends.

“We noticed a group of about 10 to 12 kids approaching us, and at first they were really nice,” said Jarnagan.

But eventually, he said they demanded money and even tried to get in his car.

“When I turned around to grab my keys, that’s when he punched me in the back of my head with brass knuckles,” said Jarnagan. “Luckily, I didn’t get knocked out.”

FULL COVERAGE: Teen violence in the East Valley

“That night when he came home, his sweater was soaked in blood,” said Jarnagan’s mom, Stephanie. “The picture we shared with you is him after the medical team cleaned him up.”

The teen ultimately was able to get away, but he spent hours in the hospital. Doctors said he was lucky.

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