Smith: Councilwoman Pace’s hypocrisy is showing

Julie Pace sits on council even though she lost her run for mayor in 2022. She lost by the highest percentage ever in a Paradise Valley mayoral election. Why does this matter now? Well, because Ms. Pace insists it does. She is right that it matters, but totally wrong about why.

In Ms. Pace’s latest propaganda email “newsletter,” she lecturing the public and colleagues that anyone running for mayor in the middle of their council term must resign, and that she wants to change town rules. Yet, she pioneered this repugnant tactic in her failed bid against Mayor Bien-Willner in 2022, and proceeded to do exactly the opposite of what she insists others do! She lost and stayed on council. No apology, no recognition of her hypocrisy.

This last election cycle she came in dead last place, finishing behind a newcomer despite her heavy campaigning and self-promotion. She would have lost but there were only three people running for three spots, thanks to a lawsuit by her friend forcing one of the candidates out of the race (also a first in PV). The own’s residents didn’t just speak, they have shouted they didn’t want Pace leading our community.

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