Stay safe in Paradise Valley and beyond

The Town of Paradise Valley Advisory Committee on Public Safety (ACOPS), a group composed of volunteer residents bringing ideas to the police chief, offers suggestions to avoid becoming a victim through a variety of scenarios.

They call it their “Personal Protection Plan.”

In recent years, crime, including random public attacks, has increased in some major cities and in some less-populated areas. While Paradise Valley remains a safe place to live and visit, it’s essential to recognize that an isolated incident can happen anywhere. This is especially important when visiting areas where extra caution is needed.

Situational awareness is critical for avoiding danger in today’s world. It’s not an innate ability but a skill that is developed through repetition, focus and consistent use. Simply put, it’s knowing what is going on around you when in public places.

ACOPS offers the following ways to improve situational awareness:

*Keep your head on a swivel: Constantly watch what is around you, 360 degrees.

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