Satire: South Carolina HOAs Launch ‘Pay-to-Park-at-Home’ Initiative, Residents in Disbelief

Disclaimer: This article is a work of satire and is not intended to be taken as factual news.

In a bold move that has left residents scratching their heads, Homeowners’ Associations (HOAs) across South Carolina have announced a groundbreaking new policy: starting next month, homeowners will be charged a $100 lot rent and a monthly fee of $50 to park in their own driveways.

The surprising announcement came early this morning, during what many residents thought would be a routine HOA meeting in Charleston. Instead, they were greeted with a PowerPoint presentation titled “Innovative Revenue Streams for a Better Community,” which outlined the new driveway rental scheme.

HOA President, Betty Johnson, defended the decision, stating, “We’ve noticed an uptick in driveway usage, especially with those fancy new electric cars everyone’s buying. It’s only fair that we monetize this space for the betterment of our community gardens and to fund our annual barbecue.”

Residents were quick to express their disbelief. Bob Franklin, a local homeowner, said, “Next thing you know, they’ll be charging us for breathing the air! I might as well park my car in the living room to save money.”

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