James Island firefighters dispute district’s claim of inadequate funding for pay raises

JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCBD) – The James Island Firefighters Union is disputing the district’s claims of inadequate funding for pay raises.

According to James Island Firefighters, their statement follows the fire department’s struggle with recruitment and retention challenges.

RELATED: Union advocating for pay increase for James Island firefighters

The James Island Professional Fire Fighters Association, IAFF Local 5385, released municipal financial documents of the James Island Public Service District (JIPSD), which the union says proves the district has sufficient resources to implement pay raises.

Takeaways from the financial documents, according to James Island Firefighters:

  • General Fund Growth: The union states the general fund balance increased by over 77% from FY21 to FY23, presenting fiscal health for the district. The asset-to-liability ratio also rose nearly 26% in the same period, which demonstrates the district’s capacity to manage debts.
  • Strong Reserves: The union states by the end of FY23, over 99% of the district’s general fund balance was unreserved, showcasing financial flexibility. The fund balance also exceeded the Government Finance Officers Association’s guidelines of 16.67%.
  • Positive Financial Indicators Across Funds: All governmental funds maintained positive fund balances and asset-to-liability ratios, which the union says reflects overall financial stability.

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