Consumer experts warn homeowners with storm damage to beware of ‘storm chasers’

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) — The Better Business Bureau is warning anyone with damage after Tropical Storm Debby to watch for “storm chasers” — scammers that target people needing repairs following severe weather.

According to the agency, oftentimes, local contractors may be busier than usual after a natural disaster and people with damage may be anxious to get their homes fixed. In turn, it can cause them to miss a few red flags, and open a door for scammers.

The President/CEO of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) serving central South Carolina and Charleston, Chris Hadley, said the first thing anyone with damage should do is contact their insurance company for guidance. Then, he recommends they keep all receipts for expenses that may be covered under their policy.

When picking someone to work with to repair damage to your home or car, Hadley said there are a few things to keep in mind. He tells homeowners to make sure contractors are licensed and all information about their services and costs is given upfront.

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