Retired Rock Hill cop Tony Breeden wins York County sheriff Republican runoff

Tony Breeden is in line to be the next York County sheriff after beating Michael Belk in Tuesday’s hotly contested York County sheriff Republican runoff , according to voting numbers released Tuesday night.

Breeden, 55, had about 52% of 17,178 votes with all precincts reporting, according to S.C. Election Commission figures posted online. Belk had just over 48%.

Belk conceded the race around 10 p.m. in a phone call to Breeden, who once worked for Belk at the Rock Hill Police Department. Belk congratulated Breeden and wished him well, both men told The Herald in phone interviews.

Breeden is almost assured to take office in January because no Democrat or other candidate has filed to run in November’s general election.

Tuesday’s results end a two-week runoff that turned into a battle between a top administrator in the Rock Hill Police Department, Belk, and street cop Breeden, who tagged himself a populist voice of the regular guy. Current and previous law enforcement leaders lined up to support Belk, but a key endorsement from York County’s congressman helped propel Breeden to victory.

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