8-Year-Old Girl Dies After Mother Leaves Her In Hot Car While Working

Her mother, Ashley Stallings, found the child unresponsive while checking on her.

An 8-year-old girl in North Carolina has died after her mother left her in a hot car while she reported for work. The woman, 36-year-old Ashley Stallings, now faces charges of involuntary manslaughter and child abuse.

Stallings went into work on June 26, leaving her daughter in her vehicle with the air conditioning on. However, the police arrived in the scene that afternoon to discover the young girl in the vehicle unresponsive and having a medical emergency. She later died at local hospital in Charlotte, the cause of death being a brain herniation due to hyperthermia. Police arrested Stalling the next day.

According to her affidavit obtained by ABC News, Stallings believed her daughter turned off the air conditioning without knowing how to turn it back on. She returned to the vehicle to check on the girl after she stopped responding to texts. There, the mother found the elementary schooler foaming out the mouth.

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