Drunk Georgia man forgets girlfriend has his truck and reports it stolen

It’s probably best to remember what you do with your truck . Don’t let people borrow if you’re too drunk to remember handing the keys over. One Georgia man ended up going to jail after forgetting that his girlfriend borrowed his ride.

Drunk Georgia man forgets girlfriend has his truck and reports it stolen

On Valentine’s day, things didn’t go as planned for 65-year-old David Taft as he called the Douglas Police Department to report that his pickup truck was stolen.

It was like he called the cops on himself when he said his truck was missing from the Super 8 Motel because police officers quickly learned that he should be detained. His name was recognized as a registered sex offender.

They quickly went to the motel and detained him. Taft was convicted as a child molester in 2003. According to Douglas Now , he violated the law by failing to register his change of address as a sex offender and for failing to comply with registration requirements…

Story continues