The 5 Deadliest Gangs in Tennessee and Their Growing Influence

The state of Tennessee, which is well-known for its thriving music culture and picturesque scenery, is also home to a concerning increase in the number of gang members. Gangs in this state are involved in a wide range of illegal activities, including as the distribution of illegal drugs, the commission of robberies, the commission of violent attacks, and the smuggling of weapons. Following is a list of the five most violent gangs that are currently active in the state of Tennessee.

The Disciples of Gangsters

In addition to having its roots in Chicago, the Gangster Disciples have also created a significant presence in Tennessee, particularly in the cities of Memphis and Nashville. The gang in question is extremely well-organized, as evidenced by its hierarchical structure and comprehensive code of conduct. Their criminal activities include a wide range of illegal activities, including the trafficking of drugs and weapons, as well as violent crimes such as robbery and murder.

The Gangster Disciples are notorious for their merciless enforcement of their rules and territory, as well as their dedication to the colors blue and black. They are also known for their six-point star insignia. In both urban and suburban regions around the state, they pose a severe hazard to residents.

The Vice Lords

An further gang based in Chicago, the Vice Lords, have extended their sphere of influence into the state of Tennessee throughout the course of time. Although they are mostly active in Memphis, they also have a presence in a number of smaller towns and rural locations. The Vice Lords are involved in activities such as drug trafficking, extortion, and violent crimes. It is reported that their membership number is in the thousands.

A number of distinguishing characteristics of the gang include the use of the colors gold and black, as well as emblems such as the top hat and the cane. Due to the fact that they frequently target vulnerable youngsters in their recruiting efforts, they continue to be a problem for local law enforcement.

A brotherhood of Aryans

There is a growing presence of the Aryan Brotherhood, a prison gang that adheres to white supremacist ideology, in the jail system of Tennessee as well as in rural communities. In addition to engaging in activities such as drug trafficking, organized crime, and extortion both within and outside of correctional facilities, the Aryan Brotherhood is notorious for the brutal techniques and racial philosophy that they employ…

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