Skydiver Recounts Moment Her Parachute Malfunctioned in Skydiving Accident That Broke Her Spinal Cord

Jordan Hatmaker was on her 16th solo skydiving jump when she suffered a malfunction with her parachute. As a result, she hurtled toward the ground and crash-landed in an accident that left her fighting for her life.This is a first-person account of the accident and what followed, as told to Inside Edition Digital.

My name is Jordan Hatmaker, and I survived a skydiving accident.

In the beginning, I started skydiving just as a thrill, as a rush to get away from the mundane, normal day to day of life. But once I started skydiving, it became a lot more. I loved the community of skydivers, and also it gave me a huge sense of confidence and achievement. Not everyone will jump out of a plane by themselves. And then once I got to the ground, I just felt like this overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment for what I had just done.

In 2020, that’s when I decided to get my skydiving license, and this was my 16th solo jump. And in the skydiving world, that’s like super new. You’re probably not really experienced until you reach about 100 jumps.

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