Newport News planners support removing parking minimum requirements citywide

Newport News is considering doing away with requirements that developers and businesses build a certain number of parking spots — a move city officials believe will boost business and allow for additional housing development.

The city’s Planning Commission unanimously voted last week to recommend removing off-street parking minimum requirements citywide. Parking minimums, dictated by the zoning ordinance, require new developments to provide a set number of off-street parking spots based on the development’s size or use and cover the demand for parking generated by the developments at peak times.

“Many developments currently provide more parking than is used, which suggests minimum parking requirements may not be necessary,” said City Planner Nyoka Hall.

Hall said eliminating parking minimums would allow businesses and developers to design projects suited to customer needs rather than outdated standards that require more parking spaces than needed. The change could lower construction costs and increase residential and commercial developmental opportunities , she said.

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