Thousands of Chicago Migrants Housed in Squalid Conditions With Rats, Roaches, Rotten Food

Concerns mount over safety, well-being of migrants in Chicago shelter

Chicago is under scrutiny as officials accommodate over 2,500 migrants in a warehouse that reportedly harbors unsanitary conditions, including roaches, rats, and rotten food.

The alarming conditions first came to light in October when a concerned community volunteer from the Chicago Police Station Response Team raised the issue with Ald. Nicole Lee. Prompted by the gravity of the situation, Ald. Lee swiftly communicated the distressing details via email to Mayor Brandon Johnson.

The email alleged a litany of issues, ranging from insufficient bathrooms and exposed pipes with raw sewage to a cockroach infestation. It also pointed to potential outbreaks of illness among the residents, inadequate provision of meals and water, and poor, disrespectful treatment by shelter staff.

Disturbing images from inside the warehouse depict migrants sleeping in proximity to sewer covers, emphasizing the dire living conditions.

Tragically, the situation took a devastating turn in December when a 5-year-old migrant boy died from illness within the same shelter. Borderless magazine reported that the child had a fever exceeding 100 degrees and was convulsing before emergency services were summoned. The incident occurred just days after the magazine exposed the shelter’s failure to meet basic standards outlined by the U.N. Refugee Agency.

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