Chicagoland mansion formerly owned by R. Kelly, Rudolph Isley, up for sale. See inside

A Chicagoland mansion formerly owned by R. Kelly and recovered by one of The Isley Brothers is up for sale.

The home is gargantuan, measuring more than 21,000 square-feet atop a 3.7 acre lot. It was listed in early January by Alex Wolking of Keller Williams ONEChicago for $3.5 million.

Its most recent owner, Rudolph Isley who sang on hit songs including “Shout,” “It’s Your Thing,” and “This Old Heart of Mine,” died in October 2023, leaving behind wife Elaine. Wolking declined to comment on why she is selling the home.

“It’s a large house for a large personality,” Wolking told USA TODAY in an interview.

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Great room at 1 Maros Lane, Olympia Fields, Illinois, listed by Alex Wolking of Keller Williams ONEChicago. The home was once owned R. Kelly and renovated by its most recent owner, Rudolph Isley. Chicago Home Photos
Exterior at 1 Maros Lane, Olympia Fields, Illinois, listed by Alex Wolking of Keller Williams ONEChicago. The home was once owned R. Kelly and renovated by its most recent owner, Rudolph Isley. Chicago Home Photos

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