Chicago couple, both 74, relieved after man who brutally beat them gets 28 years

Justice arrives for Chicago couple who got brutally attacked 02:21

CHICAGO (CBS) — Justice has finally arrived for a Chicago couple who were brutally beaten by a man in 2022 after they left the CTA Blue Line.

Bob and Kitty Tataryn were in the courtroom after their attacker was convicted and sent to prison Friday.

The Tataryns, both 74, know how to appreciate the simple things in life. After the Irving Park couple prepared to enjoy a snack and dinner Friday night, they reflected back to two years ago – when Kitty Tataryn couldn’t eat solids for weeks after her jaw was broken.

At the same time, Bob Tataryn’s face was covered in bruises and he had suffered a broken nose. It was all the result of a vicious attack after they left the Irving Park Road Blue Line station in February 2022.

“The assault left a big scar,” said Bob Tataryn.

It left a scar on the city they both love – after a man followed them off the ‘L’ in the middle of the day, and then beat the elderly couple for no reason.

Story continues