Chicago Mayor Weaves Personal Narrative into Push for Transfer-Tax Hike

Chicago Teachers Union throws support behind Johnson’s initiative as citywide vote looms

Mayor Brandon Johnson’s advocacy for the Bring Chicago Home ordinance, addressing homelessness and affordable housing, stems from a personal narrative. Sharing the tragic story of his brother’s battle with addiction and homelessness, Mayor Johnson seeks to emphasize the urgency of the issue.

The core of the proposal involves elevating the property transfer-tax rate for sales surpassing $1.5 million, with the objective of generating $100 million annually to combat the city’s homelessness crisis. This policy, a cornerstone of Johnson’s mayoral campaign, continues to draw attention and concern from Chicago’s real estate community due to potential adverse effects.

President Stacy Davis Gates leads the influential Chicago Teachers Union in rallying behind Mayor Johnson’s initiative. Davis Gates emphasizes the stakes, stating that a ‘yes’ vote on the referendum translates to ensuring safe, warm homes for 20,000 unhoused students in Chicago Public Schools. The union expresses confidence in the campaign’s prospects.

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