‘Time traveler’ in 1941 photo sparks frenzy as people convinced he’s holding modern item

An old photo from 83 years ago has the internet buzzing with wild speculation about time travel. The picture , taken in South Side, Chicago , by Edwin Rosskam in 1941, captures a line of snappy-dressing youngsters outside a cinema.

It’s a kid on the far right gripping what looks like an iPad thats causing a stir. Observant folks on social media are abuzz, proposing the idea that the boy might actually be a time traveler . The curious image surfaced on Reddit’s timetravelerscaught forum, with one user posting: “iPad carrying moviegoer, all the way to the right.”

Skeptics argue he was merely holding a commonplace object, with one suggesting: “Looks like a book to me.” Presenting historical context, another user noted: “Back in the day of early film, ushers scanned the audience for pens and notepads as to prevent bootleg recreations of the film,” reports the Daily Star .

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