Residents urge for lowered housing costs near Obama Center

(WBBM NEWSRADIO) — Residents that live near the Obama Center showed up to City Hall on Wednesday to voice support for a housing preservation ordinance.

“We did not get everything that we were promised from the Woodlawn Ordinance, and our South Shore neighbors still don’t have protections,” said Savannah Brown with Southside Together Organizing for Power .

The Obama Community Benefits Agreement Coalition worked to secure housing protections for Woodlawn in 2020.

Now, their sights are set on the passage of a South Shore Housing Preservation Ordinance.

“We also came to city council. There is a meeting, we want to talk directly to the mayor directly to the authors and tell them that we need this ordinance passed as soon as possible.”

The ordinance, among other things, would ensure equitable development, slow displacement, expand tenant protections, and preserve and increase supply of affordable housing.

“Rents are going up, the lease is not being renewed. So we want to make sure that we have the same respect as everybody in other communities,” said Patricia Hightower, who is with the coalition.

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