WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property
Sometimes when I see an unusual landmark in Illinois, the first thing that comes to mind is wanting to see what’s inside and in this case, that opportunity is actually available.
What Is Bum’s Castle In Illinois
Through the years, I’ve seen many pictures of this landmark in Illinois. It stuck out to me because it looks like a castle. Unfortunately, until recently I didn’t know anything about the place. Now, I do, and since it’s such a cool-looking building in the photos I thought I would share that info with you.
It’s funny with just the look of the place, I thought it would’ve had a special history but it really doesn’t. It was originally a grain elevator made of wood that burned down twice. When it was rebuilt the third time, they made it out of concrete…