Hyde Park Welcomes One of Pilsen’s Favorite Mexican Restaurants

Brenda Storch is based in Chicago, and has spent more than 20 years focusing on elevating underrepresented narratives, deepening the understanding of food as an element of cultural identity, and inspiring action through human-centered storytelling

Ten years after Alfonso Sotelo shook up Chicago’s Mexican restaurant scene by opening 5 Rabanitos in Pilsen, the chef is bringing the passion and expertise that have defined his journey to a new neighborhood, one that Sotelo says has never “seen something quite like this.”

Since its opening in late February in Hyde Park, the new restaurant has been drawing crowds. On some nights, the kitchen sells out completely, forcing Sotelo to close early. While he credits his team’s hard work for making the feat of opening a new restaurant possible, Sotelo finds the overwhelming response both gratifying and a little bittersweet. “I am happy that the food sells out,” he says. “But it is never easy to turn customers away.”…

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