Woman dies after motorcycle hits her going more than 70 mph on Higgins on the Northwest Side

A woman was fatally injured after being struck by a motorcycle that was speeding at more than 70 mph at about 3:10 p.m. Friday, March 14, near Higgins and Neenah avenues, according to the Chicago Police Department Office of News Affairs and the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office.

A white van and a Toyota SUV stopped at the intersection to let the 26-year-old woman cross Higgins from south to north at Neenah when a man speeding on a Yamaha motorcycle struck her as he overtook the stopped vehicles, according to the state’s attorney’s office.

According to a court proffer, the motorcycle rider sped past several vehicles that were stopped and struck the woman, who flew through the air and landed on the ground in the southeast lane of traffic.

The motorcycle rider kept driving southeast and struck a Toyota RAV4. The 26-year-old woman was transported to Advocate Lutheran General Hospital and was later pronounced deceased due to severe head injuries…

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