Hamilton County coroner’s office now dedicated to late Dr. O’dell Owens

Those who loved and knew the late Dr. O’dell Owens gathered on Monday to dedicate the Hamilton County coroner’s building in his honor.

“It will always hold a special place in my heart those memories that I got to be with my dad at the coroner’s office,” his daughter Morgan Owens shared in front of the newly-named O’dell Moreno Owens Coroner’s Office.


Morgan said what started as just a typical internship produced some of her most special memories, working side-by-side with her father in the place where he spent so much of his time.

She and many others shared memories, spoke about her father’s long-lasting legacy and officially dedicated the coroner’s office to him.

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“We all need to be in awe and be proud that O’dell Owens planted his legacy here in Cincinnati,” council member Scotty Johnson said.

Beyond his time as coroner, Owens started UC’s Invitro Fertilization program and delivered the city’s first successful pregnancy from a frozen embryo.

“I am on a personal note extremely grateful my 3-year-old son and my daughter that we’re expecting in six weeks wouldn’t be here without IVF technology,” said Katie Schneider, vice mayor of Blue Ash.

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