$4.2 B capital budget passes, providing millions for community projects

Ohio lawmakers have passed a $4.2 billion capital budget, with millions going to community projects like the Cleveland Land Bridge, Cincinnati Open Tennis Tournament and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Wednesday is the last session before summer recess, which means the lawmakers are trying to pass as much as they can. Nearly unanimously, in both chambers, they passed the multi-billion dollar capital budget. As of 7 p.m., the marathon session is still going.

People come to Ohio to see Lake Erie, our sports teams and facilities and entertainment centers.

“Last year, we were a $56 billion industry, a record-setting number of visitor spending,” said Matt MacLaren, the director of travel and tourism policy at the Ohio Chamber of Commerce. “We had over 48 million overnight visitors in Ohio.”

Ohio’s new capital budget could help bring even more people to the state, MacLaren added.

“Everything from the Bedford Riverfront project to the Cincinnati Open Tennis Tournament stadium improvements to the Hall of Fame modernization and many more,” he said.

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